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2020 Resonance (Louis Jadot) Pinot Noir Willamette Valley

2020 Resonance (Louis Jadot) Pinot Noir Willamette Valley

93 WS

Sokolin Notes:
You'll Be Amazed With This 93 Point Pinot Noir!

Wine Details for 2020 Resonance (Louis Jadot) Pinot Noir Willamette Valley

Type of Wine Oregon Red : Oregon is home to some of the most delightful reds out there. Winemakers from this region cultivate up to 39 different varietals, but there are some that prevail in the most popular wines coming from Oregon. Most winemaking houses make blends using Merlot, Malbec, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah varietals.
Varietal Pinot Noir : As one of the oldest grape varieties in the world, Pinot Noir has a long and storied history which began more than 2,000 years ago. This story spans form the time of ancient Roman influence to modern day trailblazing; Old World and New World grape growing. It also involves the most unlikely of “characters” from Cistercian Monks to the Holy Pope and even Hollywood actors; each playing a part in the development of the Noble Pinot Noir grape variety. For a grape that appears simple on the surface, it may be one of the most complex varietals on earth, playing a major role in the formation of some of the most profound and distinguished winegrowing regions in the world.

Pinot Noir’s exact origin remains relatively unknown as it is far too ancient to have been recorded precisely. It is thought to have been cultivated in the rocky hillsides of Burgundy by Roman hands as early as the 1st Century AD. At that time, Roman agronomist Columella identified and tasted wine that very much seems to be consistent with today’s description of Pinot Noir. There are complex theories on how either the Greeks or Romans took cuttings of Vitis Vinefera (Pinot Noir) from the area of Transcaucasia (modern day Turkey, Iraq and Iran) and brought the wild vines to France. Speculation aside, what we do know is that the wine-loving ancient Romans spread their dominion far and wide, leaving grapevines in their wake. Their innovative devotion to cultivating wine in French soil set in motion, nurtured, and influenced the winegrowing culture that we very much enjoy today.

Around 1000 AD, long after the dismantling of the Roman Empire, the history of Pinot Noir in Burgundy begins to have clarity, greatly due to the extraordinary record keeping of the Cistercian Order of Monks (formed from the Benedictine Order). The Cistercian Monks began gaining authority outside the area of what we know today as Dijon. Devoted to hard labor and prayer, the monks began cultivating the rocky hillsides of early Burgundy, painstakingly documenting detailed records of their vineyards. Centuries of specifying their practices, describing exactly how and exactly where vines thrived or failed and how the resulting wine tasted, the Cistercian Monks unwittingly created the world’s first harvest reports while simultaneously inventing the idea of terroir. These records and the notion that wines reflect their growing locales, permanently shaped the fundamentals of winegrowing and making terroir a critical concept.

This concept really gained attention when Pope Urban V refused to return the Papal court to Rome from Avignon due to unavailability of Burgundy wines south of the Alps. The lack of commerce routes inhibiting the Burgundy wine trade did not affect the Cistercian Order of Monks as they were driven towards higher quality and excellence through religious devotion instead of monetary gain. Both the outward remarks of the Pope and diligent efforts by the monks helped place Burgundy in a class of its own.

Pinot Noir would eventually spread its wings and infiltrate Champagne, Loire and Alsace, Provence, Sancerre and Languedoc, finding hospitable terroir and new purposes along the way. From bubbles to “pink” wine, it adapted to the soil, revealing the terroir through the wine itself. The early developments and manipulation of the Pinot Noir grape within France was a precursor for the inevitable. The varietal spread through Europe and eventually making a trip around the globe landing in the Willamette Valley, Oregon (planted in 1965 by David Lett).

The Pinot Noir grape quickly found a niche in Willamette Valley where it shares the same latitude of 45 degrees north, experiencing similar sunlight as well as a similar cooler climate to that of Burgundy. A few years later it would be introduced to California where it found terroir hotspots in both cool and surprisingly hotter climates, thus spreading to Napa, Sonoma Coast, Russian River Valley, Carneros among others, birthing New World Pinot Noir winemaking. And, of course, there was the Pinot craze that occurred after the release of the movie Sideways which manifested “Pinot snobs” around America. The 2004 American comedy set the market on fire, increasing sales of Pinot Noir in the state of California by 170 percent.

The varietal of Pinot Noir thrives in cool climates with terroir consisting of marl and limestone soils of extremely variable composition that mimics that of its ancestral home of Burgundy. For a grape that is notoriously difficult to grow, Pinot Noir is ubiquitous in winegrowing regions around the world, spanning 115,000 hectares. It may be a fussy grape, but when planted in the right location and climate, it reveals the qualities of its host terroir in many different manners.

The Noble Pinot Noir grape has greatly impacted the world of winegrowing and making while birthing the concept of terroir; from fruit forward Pinots produced in warmer California localities to New World Oregon wines with Burgundian nuances to Rose in Provence, bubbly in Champagne to the infamous Domaine de la Romanee Conti and its eye watering prices and unrivaled quality. Pinot Noir has long lived the quiet, elegant lifestyle giving Old World winemakers and consumers an ethereal pleasure. New World winemaking has granted it the opportunity for worldwide consumption on any budget and creating the Pinot Phenom. The varietal is now enjoying the best of both “worlds.”

Country US : As one of the most prolific and innovative wine regions in the world, America is a joy to explore. Most wine connoisseurs will agree that the nation's finest and most compelling wines are being produced today, which means that we have front-row seats to one of the most inspirational stories in wine history. While other regions tend to focus on specific wine styles and have somewhat strict rules as to which varietals you could grow, areas like California have few such restrictions in place. As a result, creative visionaries behind America's most reputable estates have been able to develop compelling, unique, and innovative styles, with a level of terroir expression that rivals even France's largest giants.
Region Oregon : Oregon is a majestic region, a veritable ocean of lush, intense greenery, spread across an intriguing, uneven terrain. You could pick any direction while standing on a hill, and enjoy a view that is more breathtaking than what was written in the finest works of fantasy. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Oregon is also home to some of America's most groundbreaking viticultural accomplishments.

The two best-represented grape varietals in Oregon are Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris. However, it is the Pinot Noir wines that receive most of the critical attention. While they're not always as aggressively fruity as a lot of popular reds from around the world, they bring an intense and memorable flavor combination of their own. Expect a strong earthy framework, one that supports a complex mixture of cranberries, coffee, tobacco, blueberry, and spice. With every sip, your understanding of these wines grows in a deep and personal way, broadening your viticultural horizons. A good wine offers a full conversation with the person drinking it. Why not sit down with a bottle or three and hear their life stories? They'll be by your side for years to come, as loyal friends you can converse with whenever you want.
Subregion Willamette Valley
Appellation Yamhill Carlton
Climat/Vineyard Resonance Vineyard
Cru Estate


Producer Resonance : The spirit of a wine is believed to lie within the terroir in which it is cultivated. It exudes the qualities that must then be harnessed by man in order to create a product that is harmoniously in tune with nature. When this is done with perfection, the byproduct is something that possesses a sense of place, as described by Jacques Lardiere, winemaker at Resonance. “With Resonance Vineyard, we realized Willamette Valley is to the New World what Burgundy is to the Old World. There is a feeling, a spirit, an energy – a ‘somewhereness’ that tells us this place can produce expressive single-vineyard Pinot Noir wines with an identity and personality.”

In 2013, Resonance was acquired by Maison Louis Jadot, an historic Burgundy House located in the highly esteemed Cote d’Or. It is here in the moss-covered, old growth Oregon oak tree lines and the breathtaking beauty of the sun-dappled Oregon Coast Range where the spirit of Old World winemaking meets New World terroir in the production of expressive wines with a Burgundian accent.

Oregon has long been a hotbed for pioneering winemakers seeking to extract a sense of place from the rich terroir which resides in the natural landscape, reminiscent to the legendary winemaking region of Burgundy, France. The Resonance Vineyard, located in Yamhill-Carlton District AVA (American Viticultural Area) of Oregon had been farmed by Kevin and Karla Chambers, who at the time, were selling all of their grapes to other wineries. Starting in the 2006 vintage, they held back 50% (14 tons) of their Pinot Noir harvest and started producing wine under their own label, Resonance Vineyard. But when, Jacques Lardier and Thibault Gagey, both of Maison Louis Jadot, visited the original estate, located on a dramatic hilltop in the heart of Oregon Wine Country, they found it to be…”Perfect.”

Resonance wines are sourced from four separate vineyards, each with their own sense of place. Resonance Vineyard is the signature estate vineyard which produces the benchmark single-vineyard Resonance Pinot Noir. The original 20-acre property is situated in the Yamhill-Carlton AVA in the esteemed Willamette Valley. It was planted in 1981 and has since been organically dry-farmed at an elevation of 262 to 492 feet above sea level. At elevations between 262 and 492 feet above sea level, The nearby peaks of the Coast Range break apart rain clouds as they come in from the Pacific Ocean, forming a rain shadow that protects the grapes in the critical weeks leading up to harvest. Soils are predominantly ancient submarine basaltic sediment which are quite shallow and particularly fine, almost silt-like. These marine basalts form some of the oldest soils in Willamette Valley and considered one of the reasons the Resonance Vineyard is capable of producing grapes of such immense character.

Located only 10 miles from the signature estate property, the Decouverte Vineyard resides in the Dundee Hills AVA. The second estate offers another original expression of the Willamette Valley. Fifteen acres of vines rest at 600-690 feet in elevation, with 12.5 acres of Pinot Noir and 2.5 acres of Chardonnay. It has predominantly red volcanic Jory soils studded with golden-colored stones and the resulting Pinot Noir grapes are driven by red fruit and freshness. Dundee Hills is where many of Oregon’s Pioneering winemakers first put down roots and Decouverte Vineyard Pinot Noir builds upon this tradition by offering another original expression of the region’s terroir.

Home Ranch Vineyard boasts rolling hills and over 70 acres planted to both Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. The blend of soils spanning from Marine sedimentary silt loam to clay-like Jory offers a sense of curiosity that has shown to grow what we are finding to be fresh and inviting young fruit. Lastly, the Koosah Vineyard is located just 44 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The property consists of 44 acres of vines combining both Chardonnay and Pinot Noir planted on steep slopes ranging from 700-1100 feet in elevation. All of the Eola-Amity Hills AVA soils are derived from Columbia River Basalts. These iron and manganese-rich flood basalts were extruded about 15 million years ago and covered much of what is now Oregon. The basalt flows were initially flat, but over time, plate tectonics and erosion have lifted and sculpted the basalt into the hills that make up the northern Willamette Valley today.

The team at Resonance is committed to encouraging biodiversity on the vineyard floor to controlling crop yields for optimal ripening, and believe devoting themselves to the vineyards through sustainable hands-on viticulture is the first step in great winemaking. It is a commitment to Willamette Valley, combined with a sensibility and natural inquisitiveness developed over 170 years of winemaking in Burgundy that defines the wines of Resonance.

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