Louis Roederer Wines
Louis Roederer Wines
"The Louis Roederer Champagne house is one of the most prominent estates if you’re on the hunt for a refreshing, seductive white wine. With a generous representation of both Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, the creative visionaries behind the winery put out masterpieces left and right. A history that dates back to 1833 suggests that the terroir here is not only suitable for grapevine agriculture, but almost created for it. Using traditionalist methods and a pragmatic approach, they continue to prove their worth, year after year.Every flavor seems to fit in perfectly, like a piece of a grand cosmic puzzle. The creamy white chocolate and caramel add a heavy dose of sweetness that is then cut through by the acidity of citrus fruits and an earthy almond undertone. The wines are direct and bold but not without precision."